Wedding Party Portrait Checklist

Bride and Groom
Bride full length Groom full length Bride & Groom with minister

Bride head shot with bouquet

Groom with flower girl Bride & Groom with bride's maid

Bride with brides maids

Groom with ring bearer Bride & Groom with bride's maid & groom's men

Bride with maid of honor

Groom with groomsman Bride & Groom with bride's maid , groom's men flower girl & ring bearer

Bride with flower girl

Groom with bestman Bride & Groom with groom's men

Bride with ring bearer

Groom with brides maids Bride & Groom with flower girl & ring bearer

Bride with groomsman

Groom with grooms parents Bride & Groom with bride's parents

Bride with brides parents

Groom with mother Bride & Groom with both set of parents

Bride with mother

Groom with Father Bride & Groom with groom's parents

Bride with father

Groom with brothers and Sister Bride & Groom with bride grandparents

Bride with brothers and sisters

Groom with brides parents Bride & Groom with groom's grandparents

Bride with grooms parents

Groom with brides grandparents Bride & Groom with brides family

Bride with brides grandparents

Groom with groom's grandparents Bride & Groom with grooms family
Bride with groom's grandparents   Bride & Groom with all the family
    Bride & Groom together
    Bride & Groom looking at the ring
    Bride & Groom romantic pictures
    Bride & Groom at limo

Please add or delete from this list. The more you have the longer it takes. This can take from 45 minutes up to 2 hours. . It is your responsibility to make sure you have enough time to photograph the formals and make it in time for the start of the reception.

You have 3 options on photographing the formals

  1. All portraits after the ceremony
  2. All portraits before the ceremony
  3. Some portraits before the ceremony and the rest after the ceremony

It is also your responsibility to select a location for the the family and/or wedding portraits. The background is very important. At most churches etc., the background is usually the alter and most of the time that is fine. If the ceremony is at a reception hall or at a hotel ballroom, you must find a suitable place for the portraits. In event that you have a hotel ballroom or reception site that the background is dull or not very exciting, your final portraits may not be very pleasing. Please contact your florist to see what is best. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Ed Galoustian

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Ed's Photography - Gainesville, Florida